SurvTech Solutions ®
Surveying Today with Tomorrow's Technology

Geophysical Services
SurvTech has experienced personnel with proven results providing ground penetrating radar (GPR), electrical
resistivity imaging (ERI), and electromagnetic (EM) conductivity surveying for a variety of project needs in support of geologic, geotechnical, and environmental investigations.

Geologic / Geotechnical Investigation
Geophysical services support and enhance geologic and geotechnical investigations by facilitating the location and identification of subsurface karst features (potential sinkholes) or other related ground stability issues.
SurvTech can also map the lateral extent and continuity of shallow soils to help delineate the margin of deleterious soils, such as shallow expansive clays, or highly organic soils.
In some cases, geophysics can identify shallow areas of bedrock that may result in site modification that affect various excavations, foundations, drainage ponds, etc. Other instances include mapping of shallow caves.
Geophysics and test borings are complementary methods. Utilizing geophysics can help geotechnical companies strategically position borings in areas of concern or interest. This makes these techniques extremely cost effective.
Geophysics can be used to locate subsurface utilities, including: water mains; wastewater; gas; power and electric; fiberoptic cables (FOC); cable television (CATV); and telecommunications and fiber optic lines. GPR can also be used to located rebar, post-tension cables, and conduits in concrete foundations, footers and walls.
We specialize in:
Geologic Interpretation and Expertise
Subsurface Geophysical Surveys
Sinkhole, Void, and Karst Investigations
Concrete / Utility Inspections
Environmental Studies
Archaeological Surveys
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Electrical Resistivity (ERI)
Seismic Refraction (Upland & Marine)
EM31 Ground Conductivity
EM61 Time Domain Metal Detection
MASW (Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves)
SurvTech in the News!
Work begins to locate missing graves at historic cemetery in Bradenton...
--> click here to read the article
Request a Service
Do you need a geophysical survey? Contact Wesley Mayhew at 813-621-4929, or, or click the link below.