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Robofest Regional Competitions in FL

David O'Brien

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

SurvTech had the privilege of joining the 13th Robofest Regional Qualifying competition on March 7th in Oldsmar, Florida. Robofest is a festival of competitions and events with autonomous robots that encourages students to have fun while learning principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and Computer Science. Each year, young people from elementary to high school age gather to test their robotic skills, imagination, and technological capabilities, as they compete to qualify for the world championship. SurvTech was invited to exhibit two of our unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with LiDAR and automated survey capabilities.


We really enjoyed the chance to see these bright young minds in action and watch the innovations happen in real time. It was both impressive and inspiring to see the next generation of engineers and designers at work, as they learned the value of communication and teamwork in a competitive setting.

UAV at RoboFest

The UAV’s, or “drones” that exhibited were our newer Harris Carrier H6 Hybrid Drone along with our workhorse, the DJI M600 Pro Drone. These are two of the tools in our toolbox capable of providing a high-density point cloud of LiDAR data for aerial topographic applications. We also use these drones to capture aerial ortho-photos and photogrammetry. We are particularly fond of talking about our Harris, because as a hybrid drone, it has the capability of staying in the air for much longer than a typical drone, due to its addition of a small gasoline generator to charge the flight batteries.

Drone on Display at RoboFest

We were introduced to the good folks that administrate the robotics competition at the Engineers Week Banquet this year. This is where we cap off a week of group activities and seminars for the local engineers, by holding an awards dinner. At this year’s banquet, David O’Brien was proud to speak about the STEM Outreach Event at the Glazer Children's Museum. We look forward to participating in Engineers Week each year, because we stay connected with the STEM community and innovative minds.

David O'Brien

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