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Wingtra RGB61 Camera Unlocks New Possibilities

Mark Bickel

Updated: Nov 12, 2024

Wingtra drone
Wingtra Drone

One of the many challenges drone operators face is when clients request drone services that include imagery on large parcels of land. Oftentimes, on sites that are 1,000 acres in size or more, the number of images that are collected when a drone is used far surpasses that when a manned aircraft collects the same area. This is due to the regulations prohibiting drones from operating above 400’ AGL (above ground level). To understand this further, imagine looking down at the ground through a straw – the size of the area that you can see is quite small. If you were to look through that straw while standing on a ten-foot ladder (please do not actually try this – we don’t want anyone to get hurt!), then the area that you would be able to see is much greater.

Wingtra RGB61 Powerful Image Capture Capabilities

Now, before everyone stops reading the rest of this and runs to Ken Comeaux for a quote using the plane instead of a drone, there are options that help alleviate the number of images that are collected. Enter SurvTech’s latest drone camera acquisition – the Wingtra RGB61! Built around the Sony A7R Mark IV camera, the RGB61 is a full-frame camera offering an impressive 61-megapixel resolution. Previously SurvTech’s main photogrammetry camera that was utilized on a drone was the Sony RX1RII. While still a very impressive camera, the wider view that is captured by the RGB61 allows for greater area of collection which in turn means less time to process out an orthomosaic back in the office. Below is an example of a project that we quoted (yes, this one went to the plane – was before we had the RGB61).

Comparison of Image Collection on 800 Acre Property

RX1RII payload


Collection Time

2 hours 11 minutes

1 hour 33 minutes

Estimated Number of Images to cover area



With the RX1RII payload, the flight time for the collection was sitting at roughly 2 hours and 11 minutes and an estimated 5,335 images to cover the selected area which was just shy of 800 acres. In the second image, we show the difference the RGB61 makes. The exact same area is now able to be flown in only 1 hour and 33 minutes with less than half the images (2,469 estimated). This is quite a time saver, especially with regard to backend office processing time!

Choosing the Right Technology for the Job

As we continue to add to our offerings by leveraging advances in technology we give our clients additional options to accomplish tasks. While there are projects that may be more cost-effective to perform utilizing a manned asset, SurvTech is positioning itself to be able to meet any of our clients' needs. That is one thing that really sets SurvTech apart from many of its competitors – we have the ability to match the technology to the project. Whether you need a small parcel of just a few acres mapped out with a drone to square miles that will require the manned aircraft, SurvTech has what it takes to answer the call. Contact us for more information today!

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